martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

I complain about the problem in security, especially at night. Control should be established around the TEC because many times students are in danger because some people are waiting to steal their things and that is a very difficult problem. I say this because I lived it and it is very difficult when they leave you with nothing.
By: Jean Carlos Solano Rosas
I complain about the restrooms. They often have foul odors or aren’t in the ideal conditions for use. Most of the restrooms have very bad conditions. This means that often a little uncomfortable to use. Despite this, both men and women would have to use because there is no other choice.
By: Jean Carlos Solano Rosas

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

Before you complain...

Be clear in your mind why you are dissatisfied. Was it the way you were treated? A wrong decision? Defective goods? What exactly went wrong?

Be clear in your own mind what you want to happen as a result of making a complaint. Do you want an apology? Do you want a different decision? Do you want the proper service that should have been provided in the first place? Do you want replaced goods? You should mention this to the organisation you are complaining to and ask for prompt action.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of grief, pain, or dissatisfaction. Also, it is something that is the cause or subject of protest or outcry.

I complain of the faculty of Business Administration because it has opened few groups in several courses, for example in accounting. Therefore many students can’t enroll in all the courses that they need.
By: Greivin Bermúdez Agüero
My complaint is about the pollution in the river that runs next to the homes; here in the TEC. If you've walked for there, you will see all the garbage in the river.
By: Greivin Bermúdez Agüero
My complaint is about the dogs that are living in the TEC, because they attack to the people that walk near of them. And in some cases, the dogs bite the sweaters and the briefcases of the students.
By: Josué Delgado Calvo